
Hi, I’m Nai’o! I’m native to Hawaii, love the sun, and am sometimes known as false sandalwood because of my flowers’ fragrance.

About me:

Most of the time, I’m a shrub, and grow to about 8-10 ft tall, but I can sometimes become a tree and reach over 50 ft! I have dark green, glossy leaves, small, bitter tasting white fruit, and bell shaped flowers. My flowers are present all year round, grow in groups of 2-6, and range in color from white to light pink.

Where I live:

  • I’m found on all of Hawaii’s main islands

  • I grow at lots of different elevation, from sea level to around 8,000 ft most of the time

  • My favorite places to spend time are subalpine shrublands and dry forests, and coastal dry forests

  • I can also be found in mesic forests, wet forests, and low shrublands

  • I like spots with full sun, and I don’t need much water 


  • In Hawaiian culture, my wood is used to build houses and make spears and other small tools and utensils 

  • I’m used for soil bioremediation; I can break down and remove petroleum based substances in the ground (pretty cool right!)